A Bloodstained Country

 A couple of days ago, I began work on a new map for the Crimson Throne Campaign. I was pretty exited about it. My original map was on square grid paper, because that's what I had. That is still what I have, but this time I have drawn a hex grid over the square grid, and thereby attained the best of both worlds!

Unfortunately, my cat had other ideas. Little Thor disemboweled a chipmunk, then ran up onto my desk and vomited the poor creature's entire intestinal track onto my beautiful new map.

Now, there is a 20-mile-long bloodstain across the region. I put too much work into this map to throw it away and start over. I am going to work with this.

As it happens, the stain lines up almost perfectly with the border between the kingdoms of Albrisivi and Omnikar, which were until recently at war. I am thinking that perhaps, during the war, some supernatural force was unleashed upon this border region, staining the earth and laying a curse upon the land.

I will be working out the details later.


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