Curse of Strahd, Session I
My friend Wulf is running the 5th Edition D&D adventure Curse of Strahd over Discord. Note that this first session is quite short and uneventful; it is really more of a session 0, as most of it was spent on character creation. Keep in mind also that, according to him, Wulf has made significant changes to the contents of the adventure. May 15th, 2022; Tarsakh 6 1491DR Heroes Present: •Boldrick Tanners, level 2 human fighter, played by Tryman •Corwin Orfen, level 2 human wizard, played by me •Novem, level 2 elf fighter, played by Dimitar Werewolves were harassing travelers outside the town of Daggerford. This was a lamentable situation, as the Zhentarim had invested heavily in the region and the werewolf attacks were cutting into Zhentish profits. So, Darkhold dispatched two trusted agents - the dark knight Boldrick "Main Man" Tanners and the young necromancer Corwin Orfen - to drive off the lycanthropes. They arrived in Darkhold late in the afternoon and immediately rendez...