
Showing posts from April, 2022

A Bloodstained Country

 A couple of days ago, I began work on a new map for the Crimson Throne Campaign. I was pretty exited about it. My original map was on square grid paper, because that's what I had. That is still what I have, but this time I have drawn a hex grid over the square grid, and thereby attained the best of both worlds! Unfortunately, my cat had other ideas. Little Thor disemboweled a chipmunk, then ran up onto my desk and vomited the poor creature's entire intestinal track onto my beautiful new map. Now, there is a 20-mile-long bloodstain across the region. I put too much work into this map to throw it away and start over. I am going to work with this. As it happens, the stain lines up almost perfectly with the border between the kingdoms of Albrisivi and Omnikar, which were until recently at war. I am thinking that perhaps, during the war, some supernatural force was unleashed upon this border region, staining the earth and laying a curse upon the land. I will be working out the deta...

'Neath a Crimson Throne, Session XI

April 12t h , 2022/Worms 9 th , 749 Heroes present: •Azaria, level 1 magic-user, played by B •Beowulf, level 2 fighter, played by J •Deckard, level 1 specialist, played by M •Joan, level 2 cleric, played by A Their entourage: •Hildaburga, level 0 fighter When the party slew the demon-snake, a portal to the Plane of Endless Snakes opened up beneath it. The beast fell into the portal, and Pendor fell with it. The portal then closed, trapping Pendor in the Plane of Endless Snakes. His companions decided not to worry about it. It was common knowledge that the veil between the Mortal Plane and the Plane of Endless Snakes was thin in this part of the world, so they figured he would get out eventually. A human approached the party. Her name was Azaria, a magic-user and guest of Count Fenheah. She had been lost in the orc-infested and labyrinthine corridors of Castle Fenn for days, and was eager to escape. The rest of the group agreed to let her tag along. Other than Azaria, they were all inju...

Omnikar Bestiary: Lizard-Man

 I swear, my campaign does have monsters with nonhyphenated names. LIZARD-MAN, for Lamentations of the Flame Princess #Appearing: Clan of 1d12x10, or band of 2d6 Alignment: Chaos Habitat: Swamps AC: 14 (scales) HD: 3* (shaman), 4 (warrior), or 5 (chief) Morale: 10 Saves: As a level 4 Fighter. Speed: 120', swim 100' XP value: 75 (shaman or warrior), or 100 (chief) Actions: • Attack with weapons. • Bite by making an attack roll. On a hit, deals 1d6 damage and grabs the target. Lizard-Men ( Shaxreel in their own tongue) are native to the Blackmire region of Omnikar, a vast everglades. They are as intelligent as humans, but choose to live a primitive lifestyle. Lizard-Men worship the Old Gods of the Wilderness, survive by hunting game, and refuse to practice metallurgy. They are highly territorial. Shaxreel warriors patrol the Blackmire looking out for intruders. These warriors will conspicuously follow any riverboats which pass through their territory, but us...

Omnikar Bestiary: Banshee-Bird

  BANSHEE-BIRD, for Lamentations of the Flame Princess HD: 2* AC: 12 Speed: 130' Morale: 7 #Appearing: 1d4 Habitat: Mountains XP value: 50 Special Traits:      • Hypersensitive Hearing. The banshee-bird can pick up soft sounds at a distance, and has                only a 1-in-6 chance of being surprised.      • T-Rex Vision. Banshee birds cannot see anything that is not moving. Actions:      •Screech , in order to echolocate. The sound of a banshee-bird's screech forces animals and           NPC's of level 2 or less to make morale checks.      • Leap up to 30'. If the banshee-bird would land on a creature, that creature is pinned unless it           succeeds on a save vs paralysis.      • Peck attack for 1d6 damage, +1d4 extra damage if the target is pinned. These giant, fl...